Yoga at WNY MMA
You know what I find surprising, its that the participation in yoga around the western new york area is not at the level that it could be. This could be due to the misconception that the practice of yoga is only for women. This couldn't be further from the truth, and I will shed some light on why the guys can benefit from the practice, aswell as post a video at the end for your viewing pleasure of course. All this courtesy of WNY MMA.
coming from the latin word propius which means ones own or individual and perception, propioception is the ability to sense where your body parts are in relation to space, aswell as the amount of strength being employed by them. In other words, its a very big deal. You can develop this sense to some degree throughout life, but it is significantly increased through athletic endeavors like; martial arts, gymnastics, yoga, etc.
Improved Flexibility & Physical Condition
Common issues for guys are tight hips, Calves and lower backs. Aswell as weak hip flexors, of course anything can be fixed once you know about it. But you won't find out how inflexible or weak your muscles are until you practice yoga. Those weaknesses will become apparent once you start working through the many postures and series of movements. Don't feel anxious about it, over time you will become stronger, no weights needed. Oh, and that flexibility will definitely come in handy for your grappling and striking, just a lil something to keep in mind.Respiratory Issues?
Not after practicing yoga, in a study that included individuals who suffered from asthma, showed an improvement in vital lung capacity, forced expiratory volume, and expiration flow rate over the course of 8 weeks when compared with a control. What does this mean for you, gradual increase in respiratory health and performance. Meaning, you won't need that inhaler as much.
this was a relatively short article, but I will post some valuable information for the other benefits of yoga, aswell as a video of a UFC competitor that lived in india for a period of time to improve himself through the use of yoga. Its a very interesting video. So all in all, come by WNY MMA for your dose of yoga and mma. The more people to show interest, the more yoga classes we can have. So, the more the merrier.
Thats all for today, WNY Signing out.