Saturday, June 27, 2015

Womens Fitness at WNY MMA & Fitness: Beyond the Treadmill

Womens fitness at WNY MMA & Fitness: Beyond the Treadmill

Have you been staring at that scale in the morning, constantly wondering why you see the same numbers there from last week, and the week before that. I bet you've been running for hours, hoping to lose those extra pounds. Well, you're in luck because your friendly neighborhood WNY MMA and Fitness has the scoop on how to reach that goal of summer bikini body year 'round. 

What you may not have known:

According to a study to compare steady state exercise (SEE) and high intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE); HIIE was shown to be more effective in reduction of total body mass, fat mass, trunk fat, and fasting blood insulin levels. Okay, so what does this mean for the non-science people. When you workout using the interval training protocol, you will burn more calories and fat. This will reduce that ever hated tummy fat, also known as the dreaded muffin top. Plus, that ideal body weight that you wanted, yup this is the way to get it. 

Steady State Exercise: Don't worry, it's not as bad as you think

Now don't misunderstand me, if you are just starting to exercise and need to build a strong base; then steady state exercise is the way to go. SEE builds cardiovascular health, a strong heart will do wonders for the body especially when working towards interval training. Its equally as important as interval training when you are on the heavier side of the scale. I know what you're thinking, well what are some examples of steady state exercise; running at a steady pace for the duration of a session, aerobic dancing with the same rhythm, exercise biking without changing the pedal resistance or speed. What is the one thing that all of these things and many more have in common, its working out at a steady state. Keeping your elevated heart rate at a steady level during the duration of your workout.

High Intensity Intermittent Exercise: Interval training

The women's fitness and coed fitness program here at WNY MMA and Fitness follows this particular protocol when it comes to fitness. Why is it that HIIE, or interval training as it is most commonly known, has such a strong following from the fitness community. It's because it works, and it works well. Here's the rundown; interval training in the most basic of terms, is burst training. Alternating between intense activity with intervals of lighter, less strenuous activity. An example of this would be sprinting for a short duration of time, like a minute; while alternating with walking or jogging. There are no limits to how beneficial this protocol is for the public; increase in resting metabolism, reduction of total body fat, increase in muscle, less time consuming, and the effects last.

One Last Thing:

Compare the body of fighters, sprinters, etc with those of marathon runners. Which body would you want, strong and powerful or slow and steady. Stop by WNY MMA and Fitness to get the body of your dreams.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

WNY MMA & Fitness: 5 Butt Exercises for the Beach

I know that those wonderful summer months are creeping on us, well, once the rain stops that is. Once that happens, everyone will be at the beach getting a tan. But I know you want to show off a bit at the beach, so why not add a little bit to your routine so that your butt looks absolutely amazing. Not saying that it already doesn't, but who doesn't want to look better. So I decided to share with you Alyssa Shaffers 5 Butt Exercises for the beach. If you are not the work out on your own type, then come on by WNY MMA & Fitness. We have Womens only fitness classes and Coed Fitness classes that are sure to get you looking great. I'm positive that its better than the gym you are currently going to. 

5 Butt Exercises for the Beach

Don’t just lie out on the beach—turn it into your own gym with this fun, fresh body-weight circuit

May 6, 2015
Photography by: Ben Welsh/Corbis
Warmer temperatures tempting you to bare a bit more of your bottom? Hit the beach and get a workout for both body and mind. "Exercising outside provides an almost instant psychological and physiological boost that can’t be simulated anywhere else," says Jimmy Minardi, a personal trainer and founder of Minardi Training in East Hampton, NY. Minardi, who often brings his clients to work out on the white sandy beaches near his home, especially enjoys training seaside. "You’ll burn more calories when you exercise on the beach since your body has to fight to stay stable on the uneven ground. Plus, you’re coping with elements like wind resistance and shifting terrain."
But even if you can’t get beachside, you can still benefit from taking your routine outdoors. "You can do these moves in your backyard or a neighborhood park—anyplace where there is fresh air and open space," says Minardi, a former professional cyclist and lifelong proponent of outdoor fitness.
Try this high-intensity circuit, part of the Minardi Beach Workout taught year-round, to help strengthen all your major muscles while also burning calories and fat.
Mountain Climbers
Do these on an incline, alternating legs as quickly as possible. Do two sets of 30 reps per side; increase leg speed by about 20% after every 10 reps.
Jumping Jacks
Do 30 regular jumping jacks followed by 30 deep squat jacks. (After jumping with feet wide, do a deep squat, then jump back to center.)
Option: If you’re on a beach, do these in ankle-deep water for increased resistance.
Incline Pushup Series
Do these moves on a large rock, log, bench, or other raised surface.
  • 10 Incline Pushups: Wrists should be directly under shoulders, with back flat; one set.
  • 10 Triangle Pushups: Move hands together so your thumb and index fingers touch, forming a triangle shape; one set.
  • 5 Alternating One-arm, One-leg Pushups: Raise one arm and opposite leg; switch; two sets total.
Lunge Split Jacks
Stand with feet staggered and lower into a split squat, then jump up and scissor-kick your legs, landing with your opposite foot forward for a total of 30 reps.
Find a log, stick, rocks, or shells to use as a marker.
  • 10 Tuck Jumps: Bringing your knees toward your chest as you jump up, land just over your marker and explode into the next rep as soon as your feet hit the ground.
  • 10 Rotating Jumps: As you jump in the air, rotate your body 180 degrees to engage your core and land softly in the reverse position.
Agility Drills
Find 10 sticks or rocks and an incline. Space the markers about three feet apart in a vertical line. Weave in and out of the markers, slalom-style, staying as fluid as possible. Do 10 intervals, going through all the markers.
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