Tuesday, December 30, 2014

WNY MMA & Fitness: Is stretching more beneficial before or after a workout?

Are you ready to face one of your toughest opponents in the ring? Are you prepared to roll around on the mats with your friends? Did you think about stretching before? At WNY MMA and fitness, we practice safety, always, and we want what is best for our athletes.  It has been rumored that stretching is not good for the body before a work out. It is also said that stretching afterwards is not healthy. So which one is it?

Lets really think about this...we actually stretch without even realizing it. Even with the smallest of movements. Ask yourself these questions. What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed? What is the first thing you do when you're finally able to get out from behind that cubicle? Heck, what is the first thing your dog does waking up from a long nap. Keep in mind that stretching and warming up are two completely different things. At WNY MMA and fitness, all classes have a warm up. From just doing a light jog to swinging your arms, you are actually doing a lot for yourself. But, stretching is also going to get your muscles loose and ready for a good workout. Stretching and contracting your muscles loosens them up which increases flexibility. Your muscles also become stronger while stretching. Stretching is definitely beneficial before workouts because it can reduce any kinds of injuries such as sprains and tears. But, stretching can also have its downfalls.

  So, stretching before activity is recommended but there is such thing as stretching too much. The general rule of thumb is to not stretch for longer than 5 to 10 minutes. Keep in mind that stretching and warming up are two completely different things. Stretching too much can actually cause those tears in the muscles that we are trying to prevent. Stretching also goes along with the temperature. You should stretch more with the colder temperatures because the cold will tighten your muscles decreasing flexibility and range of motion. Lastly, bouncing is not a form of stretching. Ballistic stretches force the limb into an extended range of motion when the muscle has not relaxes enough to enter it. It involves fast "bouncing" movements where a double bounce is performed at the end range of movement. Your muscles will get type with this kind of stretching and can cause serious injury.

Stretching after an activity or a work out is really the best time to stretch. Now that you are loosened up and warmed up, your muscles are more likely to actually stretch out but again be careful not to over stretch. A cool down along with a stretch is a good idea. Light cardio after a workout will slowly bring your heart rate down preventing you from getting sick afterwards. We keep these tips in mind when training at WNY MMA and fitness in Buffalo to help maintain the healthy and safe environment and to train as hard as possible!!

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