Ever since the beginning of time humans look for short cuts or easier ways to do things. If you are part of WNY fitness you are no exception. Supplement companies are racking in millions and millions of dollars so you can get quicker results when you have everything you need right on the dinner table. WNY fitness, we need to wake up and smell the protein powder. Actually don't do that. Get your protein from your food and stop looking for results over night. Here is a fun little article I found online for getting back to the basics.
Some wonder why here at WNY MMA & Fitness we don't have a bunch of equipment all over the place or we don't have certain things that other gyms have. We do this for a reason! We believe in hard work, not overnight results (which are not going to happen). We can accomplish everything the other guys can and not use the millions in equipment that they use. Thus keeping you honest and in tune with your body. I promise you that when you hit your goals you will know the cost and you will respect the work you put in. Sure curls with 3 pound weights are kind of fun looking and your trainer may have been cuter but our results are undeniable!
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